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I Don't Like To Be Ruled! I Don't Like To Be Ruled!


♥Wednesday, March 31, 2010♥

*oN 1/2 dAy LeavE*
hEy babEz!!! i on 1/2 daY leavE toDay... wAt a grEat daY... hehehe
bUt im stiLL not Sure whO will be coVering me herE... hais...
it verY haRD fOr me to tAke leAve... sinCe no One wantS to coVer me hEre...
juSt now ade aku bertenGkar Ngn 1 of my bdk keJe...
i teLL heR taT i on 1/2 dAy leAve toDay... den sHe asK me who will be covering me since i on 1/2 day... den i say im not sure... i think should be u... but it seems like she's not hapie ... hais...
den i tell her if u dont want to cover me nvmd... u just sit upstairs and let the reception here be empty... if the boSs cum, u answer to dem lar... not my problEm... and sumore my manager have approved my leavE...
but she juSt keep quitE... hahaha... den i email to her and cc to my manager n all the bosses... hahahha... i think she scaREd arH... den she repLy taT She will cover mE... hahahaha... =)
and now i can go for 1/2 day leave hapily... hehehe...
GTG... bye2... =)

♥Welcome To My Life♥
@ 7:58 PM

♥Sunday, March 28, 2010♥

* seArcHinG fOr joBs *
hey dEre!!! rytE now im searChing fOr a nEw joBs sinCe im noT thAT hapPie woRking heRe anYmore... too maNy politIc heRe... dePan, bboAL baEk, bLakaNg bboAl burUk... 2 facEs peopLe at lOt here... caNt taKE it anYmorE.. veRy stRessfuL dowN heRe... hais... )=
im worKing heRe for 1 yrs 9 mths alRdy.. but my poSitioN n my saLary stiLl the sAme... and suMore woRking heRe, aLL of Dem wanTed the joBs to be fAst... hais... Dont undErstanD all thiS peoPLE...
buT i will noT giVe up... i wiLl keep on searcHinG for jobS... untiL i manAge to fiND the new joBS... *prAy hArd* thAt i will geT the new joBs as sOOn as poSsibLe... (=
*prAy hArd fOR me*

♥Welcome To My Life♥
@ 10:15 PM


boRed dAy!!!
hey hey hey!!! im at home ryte now and doing nuthing... donnoe where to go... so i make up my mind just to stay at home.. hehehe... be a gd gerl... hahahah (mcm paham jek)... all i do at home was, watching tv... surf net... play wif my niece... tats all... hais... wat a bored day... wen i think back, i need to let my body n my mind rest... coz i have been working for 5.5 days... and on sunday, it a day for me to rest... hehehe... ouhke den... will updte again later... hehehe... bye2...!!!

♥Welcome To My Life♥
@ 4:38 AM


YesTerdAy i weNt to DowntoWn eAst fOr a chaLet... i tHInk wE reAch theRe arOund 09:50pm... i weNt deRe wiF my moM, dAd n my deAr huBBy... tapi kn tK braPe raMai oRg laR... hais... but it fUn... hehehe

we eAt alOt yeSterdaY... ade bee Hoon goReng puTih... roTi kiRai... epoK2... Satay... aYam GorenG... and maNy moRe... hEhE!!! afTer we tOk2... haVe fUn all, we weNt home,... actuaLLy i dOnt feeL likE goinG homE... i feeL liKe stayinG dere... buT i piTy my pareNts.. n alSo my HubbY.. dere wanT to go hoMe n reSt.. heheh...

we oUt frOm deRe aroUnd 12:30 mid nighT... we aLL veRy tiRed... piTy my huBBy, diEr luM tDo frOm 4:00 am on tat daY... kecian dier... n sumore he's driving... weN reacH inside the caR, i tot of sliPing... but i cant, coz i havE to accoMpany my huBBy jadi he will drIve safEly... hehehe

tats all i have to share wif u abt yesterday... gTg... *muAx*

♥Welcome To My Life♥
@ 4:18 AM

♥Sunday, March 21, 2010♥

hey all!!! im back to update my blog... hehehe... =)
on SaTurdAy, i fiNish woRk at 12:30 pm... aNd afTEr tHat i weN out wiF my deAr colleague to hAve oUr lunCh togEther... we hAve a long cHit chAt... hehehe =)
i thInk aroUnd 2 pluS, my huBby fetch me At weSt coAst food coUrt... so sWit of hYm.. =)
den i foLLow hym go to Jurong ShipyArd to fetCh a crew and sent dem to their respective hotEL...
afTEr tAt, we weNt to juROng poInt to haVe ouR diNNer togethEr... hehehe... afTEr havIng our DinNer, i wanT to buy soMe maKu uP stuFf... hehehe... afTer i have choseN whiCh makE uP, i weNt to tHe counter to pay... but iT not my moNey, my HubbY paiD everThing.. thnkS alot HuBBy... *muAx*
aftEr shOppIng, we weNt homE to reSt sinCe the next daY he have to go to work Again.. keCian dieR... =(
hmmm... on suNdaY, i stAy aty hoMe... i beCome gd gerL yestErdAy... hehehe... no laR... it juSt thaT im too tiRed to go out yesTErday... and sumore, it raIning dAy.. hehehe... buT i quite boRed yesTerdaY lor... coz i have nothing to do... hehehe... all i doing is... sleeping, eating, watching tv... tats all...

♥Welcome To My Life♥
@ 8:18 PM

♥Friday, March 19, 2010♥

iNa cyGkn rOsLan
tO my huBby rOsLan :
wE have been tOgEtheR fOr 1 yrs 7mthS...
u aRe tHe onLy oNe in my HArt ryTe nOw...
we hAve goNe thRu difficuLtiEs togeTheR juSt to sTand uP for ouR reLationShip...
wiF u aRounD, i feeL saFe...
wEn i feeL dowN, i aLways leAn aT ur sHouLder...
u wiLl aLwaYs deRe foR me weN i neeD u...
eVenthouGh wE alwayS quarReL...
i wiLL keeP u in my haRt...
4eVA tiLL tHe eTerniTy...
wE haVe to prooF to eVeryboDy tAt we aRe meAnt foR eacH othER...
pRomise u tAt u arE the onLy perSon in my haRt for eVa...
no oNe wiLl repLaced u huBBy... luV u cYg!!! muAx!!! =*
fRom uR deAr sHakinaH...

♥Welcome To My Life♥
@ 12:18 AM

♥Thursday, March 18, 2010♥

baCk to upDate my bLog!!!
Hey hey hey !!! im back !!! so sorry didnt update my blog for so many days.. hehehe !!!.. =)... im quite busy wif my work here.. and i have no time to update... hehehe....
even thouGht im juSt a reCeption heRe.. but i haVe to admiN job as weLL... wat A pity me.. !!! hahahah =)... buT it gd... i can leArn morE thinG... now... i cAn do manY joBs... buT my saLary is stiLL the saMe... =(... waT to Do.. =(
wiLL update agIAn latEr..

♥Welcome To My Life♥
@ 11:42 PM

♥Sunday, March 14, 2010♥

*papa_mama_aunty_cik arif*
My dad seems to be very hapie eventhough he feel pain inside... i will pray hard for him to recover soon... i cant bear to see him pain inside... i love my parents alot... can see from mama & papa face, dey seems to have alot of problem in their head but dey doesnt want to show the worl tat dey have problem...
*I love my parents* * Muax*
*in tHe toiLeT*

everybody was waiting for 3 of us outside but we still took our time to take our own photo...hehehe... yesterday was very fun... but too bad our couple cant join uxs since dey are very busy... hehehehe... hopefully next outing dey will join uxs... pray hard... hehehe =)


Hey Hey Hey!!! sorie didnt update my blog yesterday since im out yesterday with my beloved family and my beloved cuz.... We went to Marina Square for walk2 and Iffah treat us at Pizza Hut... so swit of her... actually on date 10th march was her bufdae... but sant go out together since we all are working... so she plan to go out yesterday, 14.03.2010.

We have alot of fun yesterday... lots of laughter... my family bought for her the bracelet... and i hope she loves the bracelet... hehehehe =)... wen will be the next outing... hehehe =)...

♥Welcome To My Life♥
@ 7:06 PM

♥Friday, March 12, 2010♥

hey hey hey!!!
Im back here.. sorry yesterday didnt post anything at my blog... i very busy yesterday until i have no time to write anything at my blog...
Yesterday was a very busy day for me... and some more i reach work at 08:15am.. hehehe... IM LATE!!!!... but thankful to Liza (HR assistance) she doesnt cut my pay for lateness... hehehe...
Wen i reach work, my table was in a mess... im not sure how can the chinese gerL naMe miAo Yi work with so many paper on my desK... im so angry wif her for maKing my deSk in A meSs... she didnt even heLp out to do tHe lunCh liSt for mE... den all the MC chit & also the leAve foRm, she just left on my deSk without helping ouT to puT in the enveloPe to sent ovEr to the main office...
i not yet ready everything at my desk and 3 GW came ask me for leave form and also mc paper... miao yi was there at my desk, but she just ignore and walk away... and i say to that 3 GW " later, i busy here cleaning my desk and u all ask for that... and no one helping me ryte now.. i only have 2 hands.. need to handle the mc paper, the leave form and doing my lunch list... " HEADACHE!!!
I think she noe that i angry wif her for all this... and suddenly a few mins later she came down n help me out before she go for the VSCC meeting... i appreciate tat... thanks alot.. but wen it cums to noon... i need to make 4 photocopy since the vessel LB32 going to be delivered (launching)... since the photocopier machine at my side here got some problem, i have no choice to go upstair and do the photocopy...
Once im upstairs doing the photocopy, the phone rang and i have to run like HELL to answer the phone.. she just ignore it wen the phone rang... WTH!!! i was very agry wif her until i have no mood to tok to her... she have make my day worse yesterday... !!!
but for today, i hope everything will be fine as per normal... hehehe... HOPEFULLY... pray hard... =)
GTG and do my work.. hehehe =)

♥Welcome To My Life♥
@ 4:26 PM

♥Wednesday, March 10, 2010♥

*goinG to MariNa baRRage*


hEy hEy hEy!!!

i miSs my huBBy so muCh waLaupon kte sLaLu jumper... hehehe... we haVe beeN togethEr for 1yRs7mThs... and i hope we will lasT loNg till the eNd of our LiFe... eventhough we aLwayS have soMe probLem in ouR reLationShip, we try tO finD a wAy to soLve it out sinCe both of uS luv eaCh other... hehehe ...

ouR anniveRsaRy date on 29 August 2008.. hehehe... ouR relatioNsHip bnyk penghaLang dulu... but we try our beSt utk pertaHankannye hinGga lar skrg... muLa2 masa aku da ngn dier, 1 of bdk keJe aku (kwn baek dier senDiri) msg aku ckp yg dier nie jahat lar, dier nie aSyik kuAr mlm jek... dier niE kaki pompuan sumer... and aku percaYe kate2 kwn dier n eNd up kte gaDoh for fews dayS...

buT he pujuk me... (sWitkn) and he sAy juSt ignoRe wat peoPLe wanna sAy abt uXs as long u noe me anD i noe u... but my haRt berbelah baGi.. nk percayE kn dier or kWn dier... ??? in tHe enD i saY to myseLf, if i luV hiM, i have to trUSt him... bilEr kwn diEr tgk kte bermeSra, his frieNd stOp msging me all Tat crAp...

actuAlly kn in my reLAtionShip wif hIm, kte bnyk dugAan tau... tapi aLhamduLLiLLah hinGga lar skrg kte berSama... tapi aku berDoa semoGa berkekalAn hinGGa ke Akhir hAyat kte berDua... *Amin*...

waLaupon his not tat romAntic gUy, but his caring... and loving gUy... i luV u deAr!!! *muAx*

♥Welcome To My Life♥
@ 9:25 PM


*luvLy famIly*

Hey dere once again!! im back here...
Just wanna share sumting tat i have long time kept in my hart...
Here we go... =)

Im stress wif sum people out dere... i already stress wif my work, and this people give me stress sumore... haix... i think on date 08.03.2010, the person call my mom and tell my mom her problem... WTF is tis!! it ur problem and not our problem, why u should tell ur problem to my mom!! wat she can do!!! she cant do anything either!!!

Until now she never call my mom anymore coz my mom only answer her "oh,mcm gitu"... and i think she get bored because of tat... hahaha... even my family also have a problem... i 1 person working... my dad no more working cause of his sickness... now it my turn to repay my parents... im really thankful to both my parents for bringing me up till now...

I really love my family... muAx to all my famiLy!!!

♥Welcome To My Life♥
@ 4:08 PM


hey dere!!!! gonna sharE wiF u all abt my speCiaL cuz... hehehe... on top here are their photo wif me... we took this photo together wen we went to Sentosa... iffaH & afiqAh, dey are siblings... hehehe... i always sharE my probLems wif dem... dey are so cool... their mom n my mom are sibling... hehehe... we always contact each other... hmm
both of dem like to do their own business... dey dont like to be so KPO wanna to noe abt other people personal or problem... we like sibling... ;P... hmmm...
will update again... heheheh =) now busy time..

hehehe... im back here again... now continue toking abt my special cuz again... =)

yesh arh!!! tiz cuming sunday we going out together to celebrate Iffah bufday.. hehehe... both of dem r too speical to me... i not sure how to eleborate to all of u abt dem... hehehe... ouhke den... i gtg for the mean time... will be back soon ... =)

♥Welcome To My Life♥
@ 12:55 AM


i took this photo wen we as a family having our lunch at KFC at toa payoh... before we went for our appointment at HBD hub... hehehe... during this time, i not tat really feeling well... im sick... hehe...but i didnt look sick ryte???hehehe... but wat to do, have to follow my family go to the HBD hub...

This is me, Nur Shakinah Bte Ismail... i took this photo on 28th Feb 2010, at dhobby ghaut MRT station... while waiting for my brother and sis in law, i took my own photo... hehehehe.. im very simple gerl... hais... for me to noe & for u to find out abt me.. hehehehe *wiNk*

♥Welcome To My Life♥
@ 12:18 AM

♥Tuesday, March 9, 2010♥

*beStie duDe & besTie Babez*

*bestie 4eva*

During fasting month, wanii and aindah plan to breakfast together2 since we long time never mit up and chit chat together... So we mit up at Jurong Point to breakfast at Pizza Hut... after the breakfast at pizza hut, we went to starbuck for chit chatting until 20:00hours.. hehehe...

We chat alot on that day feel like we dont want to go home... hehehe... but to bad, we still have to go home... hehehe... each of dem have their own life partner but i hope dey will last long wif the ones dey love and care...

Aindah working as a childcare teacher. Farhanna still looking for a job. Wani skooling at NAFA. Same goes to Amir skooling but im not sure he skooling at where... Amir love to sing... hehehe... And as for Sofian tat tyme he still in NS.. hehehe...

I miss dem alot... =( wen can we have an outing again together... hmm... =)

♥Welcome To My Life♥
@ 11:15 PM


*cutE ryTe*
Her naMe is NURUL HAYLEY ADRIANA... I loVe hEr smiLe...
She born on 16th November 2009...
*juSt boRn*
weN she just boRn and stiLL in the hospiTaL

*3mths old*
This pictuRe whEn she waS 3mths oLd... cuTe ryTe...
i took this photo of her wen we went out to Marina Square... She's very gd gerl... i love her...

♥Welcome To My Life♥
@ 11:05 PM



*tyMe to cuT the caKe*

*uXs wiF the briDe & the gRooM*

On date 01st October 2009, their wedding day... aiNdah was my bestie since we were in secondary... aindah and hanif been going on relationship for 4 yrs... im hapie for her and i hope she will last long with her husband...
During her wedding function, i can see from her eyes that she feeling sad coz both her parents not dere... both her parents ave passed away... her mum passed away wen her aged was 16 yrs old and her dad passed away wen her aged was 19 yrs old... but im glad that both her brother together with her aunt and grandmother was dere during her wedding function to make her happie...
hmmm... after a few months married, she msg me and informed that she 2 months pregnant... wow!!! she so happie... she want baby gerl.. hehehehe... but i told her wateva baby, gerl or boy, it will always be the same... now waiting for the time to cum for the cutie baby born... but have to wait long2 lor... hehehe
GTG... will update again...

♥Welcome To My Life♥
@ 9:40 PM