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I Don't Like To Be Ruled! I Don't Like To Be Ruled!


♥Wednesday, November 24, 2010♥

True love is not how you forgive, but how you forget, not what you see but what you feel, not how you listen but how you understand, and not how you let go but how you hold on.

You are my soul mate, my sweetheart, you are my dream come true, from now until the end of time I give my heart and soul to you.

True love is not about the hugs and kisses, the 'I love you's' or the 'I miss you's', but about the chills that hit every part of your spine when you think about him.

Here's my love, take it. Here's my soul, use it. Here's my heart, don't break it. Here's my hand, hold it and together we will make it forever.

♥Welcome To My Life♥
@ 3:36 PM


Love is hOw wE gOt 2gEther

w/O LoVe tHere'll b nO uS

LoVe is aBt caRe coNcerN n iNfaTuaTion,

ReLatioNsHip is aBt coMmitment

A LoNg ReLatiOnsHip iS nOthiN' w/O LoVE

LoVe iS aN AwesOme fEeLinN

LoVe dOnt cOme bY eVerydAy

I'm gLad dAt i'M hVin a rELatioNship wiT u,

I'm HaPpy dAt u'Re wiLLin 2 rEturN my Love

FeEding u wIt enDLess LoVe fRm my hEart

cAreFuL not to sPill iT..

mY Love is pRiceLess..=]

[ShakinaH & RoslaN]

[28th August 2008]

♥Welcome To My Life♥
@ 3:34 PM


Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot,
who calls you back when you hang up on him,
who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat,
or will stay awake just to watch you sleep...
wait for the boy who kisses your forehead,
who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats,
who holds your hand in front of his friends,
who thinks you' re just as pretty without makeup on.
One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and
how lucky he is to have YOU...
The one who turns to his friends and says, thats her...

Awww so sweeT. <3

♥Welcome To My Life♥
@ 3:30 PM

♥Wednesday, November 17, 2010♥

16.11.2010 (Journey Start to Batu Pahat)

We all out from house around 14:00hrs plus... go and fetch my fiance and den my aunt n uncle. around 15:15, it started to rain. so heavily in Singapore. After fetching all of dem, we straight go to Tuas checkpoint n meet my another aunt n uncle dere at Gelang Patah. While waiting for my another anut n uncle arrived dere, we buy drinks, food and Chewing gum... hahahah...

And i think around 18:25hrs like tat, my the other aunt n uncle arrived at Gelang Patah. Dey though of having dinner dere but it late and all of us decide to go straight to my grandmother house at Batu Pahat to have our dinner. Malaysai also raining heavily. Lucky i brough my sweater along.

We reach at my grandmother house at Batu Pahat around 20:00hrs. Her house so big.. 2 storey... hehehe... all the guys decided to go out again. Dey all want to go to Batu Pahat mall. So dey went out around 20:50hrs, and im the only gerl tat follow dem coz my fiance ask me to follow him.

Around 22:00hrs we went home to have our supper. Once we reach home my grandmother have prepared food for us.. that is Ketupat... hehehe... we all sleep around 00:00hrs... but my grandmother and her daughter slept around 03:00hrs since dey cooking the food for the next day.

17.11.2010 (Preparing for Aidiladha)

All of us wake up around 07:00hrs in the morning, so early sia... slip late but haveto woke up early...so sian! All the guys go the mosque for praying... And the ladies all at home preparing the breakfast for them.. Around 11:30hrs like that, all of us preparing to go to my the other grandfather house to see all the cow kanna Sembelih...

I go watch the Cow kanna Sembelih.. but den i cry coz i pity dem... ):
Hais.. even my 6yrs old cuz also cried...After all tat we go to my the other grandfather house near dere until the rain stop. Once the rain stop, we all prepared to go back to Batu Pahat for our Late lunch. Once we reach back home,the SATAY have prepared on the dinning table...we all so hungry and we ate the SATAY till finish.. like PIRANHA... hahahha...

Around 14:58hrs, we out from the house to do some shopping.. but once we reach at Air Hitam, rain pour very heavily...So we cant do our shopping dere.. so sad! ):
Around 16:40hrs, we all go to Jusco at Bukit Indah to go some shopping... but all the price is expensive.. hahahah... eventhough in RM... around 19:30hrs,we ate A&W! at last get to eat A&W for so long have not eat it... At jusco i bought a beg... it cost RM39.90. So cheap... hehehe...

Around 21:00hrs,we all out from Jusco and back to Singapore.. Our Hometown !
i reach home about 23:05hrs... so tired!

That all about my trip to Malaysia to celebrate Hari Raya Aidiladha...

♥Welcome To My Life♥
@ 6:33 PM

♥Thursday, November 11, 2010♥

Gerhana Meliputi Segala
Tiada Lagi Sinaran Cahaya
Keinginan Tanpa Kepastian
Tak Mampu Rasanya Ku Teruskan
Ku Meneruskan....

Ku relakan segala
Walau hidupku sebuah tanda tanya

Tak mampu ku bertahan
Takkan pernah kuakui kalah

Masih terdampar ku disini
Tiada jalan mungkin ku lalui
Haruskah hidupku di persenda
Mengharungi dugaan melanda
Ku Berserah...

Ku Relakan Segala
Takkan Pernah Kuakui Kalah
Percaya ku Yakin pada-Nya
Dia yang menentukan Semua...
Ku Berserah...

♥Welcome To My Life♥
@ 4:14 PM


Ku Tetapkan Menunggumu
Walau apa pun berlaku
Ku Tetapkan bersamamu
Hanya waktu Yang berlalu

Ku impikan dikau slalu
Hanya itu yang ku mampu
Masih terasa sentuhmu
Kapan lagikan bertemu

Ku berjanji kan selalu
Di sampingmu walaui jauh
Jauh kehujung dunia ini
Ku tetap kan menunggu mu

Jangan Bimbang Jangan Ragu
Kau tetap bintang hatiku
Kekal seHingga akhir hayatku
Ku tetap kan menunggumu

♥Welcome To My Life♥
@ 4:02 PM

♥Wednesday, November 10, 2010♥

Her eyes, Her eyes
Make the starts look like they're
not shining
Her Hair, Her Hair
Falls perfectly without her trying.
She's so beautiful
And i tell her everyday.

Yeah i know, i Know
When i compliment her
She won't believe me
And it's so, it's so
Sad to think she dont see what i see
But everytime she asks me do i look okay
I say,

When i see your face, there's not a thing
that i would change, cause your're amazing,
Just the way you are.

And when you smile, the whole world stops
and stares for awhile, cause a girl you're amazing,
Just the way you are.

Her lips, her lips
I could kiss them all day if she'd let me,
Her Laugh, her laugh she hates but i
think its so sexy.
She's so beautiful and i tell her everyday.

You know, You know, You know
I'd never ask you to change,
If perfect is what you're searching for
Then just stay the same.

So don't even bother asking if you look okay,
You know i say.

♥Welcome To My Life♥
@ 4:43 AM