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I Don't Like To Be Ruled! I Don't Like To Be Ruled!


♥Monday, April 26, 2010♥


wAt a dAy!!!
fAuziah on leaVe for 3 daYs from daTe 26.04.2010 tiLl 28.04.201...
She will reSume worK on dAte 29.04.2010...

bUt i donT minD to siT at the recePtion coZ lasT time it wAs my position dOwn heRe... hehehe..
wAt i noe tHat FauziAh have tenDer since lAst week...
so she will noT be working here anymore stArting fRom the moNth of May...

i thiNk i will be shifteD again down here... but i check wiTh Janice abt all tHis and Janice told me thAt the coMpany will finD a receptioNist for my siDe here...
im not sure lar it true or not...

once i get the officiaL letter regarDing my positiOn and i get to noe that my salaRy still the saMe, i will jusT tender n find another jOb... i will find a better job den here... hais...
but i will miss all my collegues down here... hais...

it ok lar... will try my best to find another job 1st before i tender.. hehehe...
pray for me yaH!!!...
gtg... *muAx*

dAte: 27.04.2010
tiMing: 10:56 AM

♥Welcome To My Life♥
@ 7:50 PM


Label : lUv

♥Welcome To My Life♥
@ 1:44 AM

♥Sunday, April 25, 2010♥

*wiLL nOt haPpeneD*

the ansWer is, IT WILL NOT HAPPENED!!!
everytHing havE goNe dowN the dRain...!! WTF!!!
i feel really sad abt it... i donnoe wat to do ryte now...
and sumtime i dont feel like going home or work..
im bored wif my life...

y all this have to happened to me n my family...
hais.. =(
wat will happened to all of uxs here??? WAT!!!!
sum people only think abt themselves...
dey donnoe how i feel here...

to my luvly cuz, please kindly give me a solution wat m i supposed to do ryte now???
im lost!!!

♥Welcome To My Life♥
@ 6:37 PM

♥Monday, April 19, 2010♥

*hEr engAgemeNt*
Hey all, on the date 18.04.2010, it her engagement day..
im so proud for the both of dem...
coz they have been together for 4 yrs...
and on tat date, they getting engage...
hope they will last long...
hope their luv will never fade....
sorry no photo for tat... all in the facebook...hehehehe...
Label : =)

♥Welcome To My Life♥
@ 6:21 PM

♥Saturday, April 17, 2010♥

the time now is 21:20 pm...
watching TV and also updating my blog...
feel bored... hais...
have to sleep early today since tomorrow my hubby will be fetching me at 13:00pm...
today at work, i doing nuthink coz every saturday, i dont feel like doing my work...
come on lar, it SATURDAY and sumore it 1/2 day babe...
i just sitting down at the reception and updated my TEL LIST...
tats all.... hehehe

i just meet wif my dear hubby but now i have started to miss hym...
wats wrong wif me... hais...
and another thing is that, i cant wait for the day to cum.. hehehe
hahaha... GTG... gd nytE!!!!

♥Welcome To My Life♥
@ 6:18 AM

♥Wednesday, April 14, 2010♥


Hey All!!! im back from MC... actuaLly i shouLd be back to worK yesterday, since yesterday i still not feeling weLl, i went to see doctor agaiN... thiS is my 1sT tyme to have feVer untiL 38.4...
yesTerdAy i cheCk my temperaTure at worK was 37.8 but onCe i reAch at the co cliNic, the doctor say i have no feVer... WTH!!!!...

ActuaLly the doctor doesnt use the thermometer like ours, he use the GUN thermometer... TAT GUN THERMOMETER IS USELESS!!! he say my temperature is 36.6... NORMAL!!! and he gave me 1 day MC... so STUPID!!! i rather go and see my own private doctor since the co doctor no gd... hais... but too bAd... i have no enough money...

bUt alhamdullillah, im feeling better ryte now... after 3 days been resting at home... hehehe...
ouhke den... will update again later... need to continue my work... hahaha...
TATA.. =)

Label : =)

♥Welcome To My Life♥
@ 5:51 PM

♥Monday, April 12, 2010♥

*nOt feeLinG weLL*

hey all... !!!
i on 2 days mc due to fever, cough, flu n sore throat...
i tot after i have taken panadol yesterday, today i will be OK... but it different.. hais...
early morning i wake up, just to prepared to go to work...
but once i reach work... my cough n my flu from bad to worse...
so i have decided to go n see doctor..
bt i didnt see my company doctor... NOT GOOD!!!
so i decided to go to DR TAN... he's gd... hehehe

once i reach at DR TAN CLINIC, alot of people waited for their turn... hais...
so i have to wait lor...
i registered to see doctor at 10:10am... but i went in at 11:15am... SO LONG...
i went in and tell the doctor wat my sickness is...
the doctor took my temperature and he told me tat i having a fever...
i was shock...!!!
coz i never expect tat i will be having a fever since i was SWEATING alot...
the doctor told me that inside my body was very sensitive...
after everything, DR TAN gave me 2 days MC to rest at home.. since my cough n flu is worst...

I have to wait or my medicine...
and the total cost is $41.00... so EXPENSIVE... hais...
wat to do.. hehehe...

Label : SiCk

♥Welcome To My Life♥
@ 5:01 AM

♥Sunday, April 11, 2010♥

juSt noW around 1 plus in the afternoon, i went to jemputan wif my parents n my aunt at bOoN laY...cuaca narie very HOT!!! canT take it... hais....
at jemputan just now, totally pack... wanna to eat also have to wait for people yg da abes mkn.. hais... the pelamin very nice gler... it my favourite colour... BLUE!!!!
after wen to the jemputan... we have to sent iman home at clementi since he have to go skool tomorrow... iman is my nephew... my 1st brother son... hehehe...
yesterday he wanna slip over my house... so i allow him slept over lor... pity him...
after sent iman home, me n my parents straigh went home coz we too tired to walk around anymore.. hehehe...
Label: tired

♥Welcome To My Life♥
@ 3:55 AM

♥Saturday, April 10, 2010♥

bAck fRom meetiNg my deAr huBBy... usuaLLy i wilL be baCk around 9 plus at niGHt...
sinCe he have to go woRk later at 10 pm, so we haVe deciDed to go homE early...
so thAt my deAR huBby can tAke a reSt at hoMe...
i reAlly piTy my deAr huBBy... cOz he haVe to go woRk at 10 pm toDay to sent 7 indonesia creW to the airpoRt...
befOre i reAch hoMe, mamA calL me aNd saY thaT pApa asK to but mee goReng siNce dEy lonG time neVer buy the MAMAK mee goReng...
so i boughT fOr them.. hehehe...
todAy my compAny tAt i workiNg in, dEy saCk 9 stAff... hais...
i piTy dem who kannA saCk... aLl of deM tat kAnnA sAck, all cAn wOrk...
ActuAlly i donT reaLLy undErstand y thiS companY is liKe tAt...

♥Welcome To My Life♥
@ 4:53 AM

♥Friday, April 9, 2010♥

hmmm... now i can post my blog.. hehehe...
wOw!!! it rAininG outSide hEre... so COOL!!! feeL liKe slEepiNg... hehehe.. sumore im sick...
yeSterdaY wAs my tOOth very paIn... and now.. my eyes feel hot... and my throat VERY VERY PAIN... i feel liKe crYing... =(...
suSah nk teLan makanan... hias... and noW my boDy feeL hot...i tHink i wiLL be haVing a FeveR soon.. insyaALLAH i will be fiNe...
ouCh!!!! my throAt reaLLy paiN... !!! cuBa utk teLAn mknAn buT i caNT... it's totaLLy huRt... nk teLan air liUr jek, saKit... sakit niE sampAi naek teliNga n kepAla...
Label : siCK

♥Welcome To My Life♥
@ 1:00 AM

♥Wednesday, April 7, 2010♥

*wiLL u be miNe aLwayS???*
Hmm... im still thinKing... wiLL u be miNe aLways??? but i wannA it to be forever in my LiFe...
bUt watEva it is... u arE miNe forevEr... no one will sepaRate us apaRt...
i will alWays luV u till eternIty my deAr huBBy...
and i caNt waiT fOr the dAy to cUm... heheheh...

Label: *luV hYm 4evA*

♥Welcome To My Life♥
@ 12:11 AM

♥Monday, April 5, 2010♥

*wAitiNg fOr huBby to FetCh me fRom worK*

*geTting reAdy to sLip*

*geTtinG reAdy to go oUt*

*wAitinG fOr hYm*

♥Welcome To My Life♥
@ 11:06 PM


wat a boring day today...
dont feel like doing my work ryte now... hehehe
i feel very sleepy after having my lunch... hahaha =)
BTW today is the day tat my HR manager will be leaving us... hais...
i think she have found a new job for herself... and i think the new job is more better from here...
gd for her lar... and now it my turn to find a new job... hahaha... (still finding but no respond)
wen will i find a new suitable job for myself??? *thinkIng*
i have sent my resume to alot of company but no respond from dem...
but for today i have sent my resume to Kak Izan company... and i hope i will get that job...
*pRay hArd*
i will noT stay long in this company anymore...
*prAy fOr me tAt i will geT the new suiTable joBs*

♥Welcome To My Life♥
@ 10:56 PM

♥Saturday, April 3, 2010♥

*miSs dEm*
sitting all alone in my room... teArs roLl dowN my cheekS...
suDdenLy i miSs dEm... it my gRandpareNts...
i reaLLy doNNoe whY i suDdenLy miSs dEm...
i haVe no mOre grAndparEnts... both my gRandfaThers and my nEneK saRmiAh have passed aWay weN im stiLl younG... but as fOr neneK maRiam, she passEd away lAst yeAr durinG fasTing monThs... a feW daYs befoRe hari rAye... =(
wEn neNek mAriAm waS admitteD in the hoSpitAL, she wanTed to miT me... tApi aKu impoRtanT kn keje den HeR... on tAt daY itseLf shE opeN her eyeS juSt wanna miT me... but i didnt tuRn up... everyoNe camE to mIt her, but tHe onlY namE caME out fRom hEr moutH is my naMe... SHAKINAH DTG KE???
i promIse heR tat i wiLL visit her the neXt day... but i tHink arouNg 3 plus nearLy 4... my mom caLL me saY taT nenek da naZak... diEr da tk sedAr kn diRi... aftER heArd tAt newS... air mAta ku mengAlir... kesediHan... =(
aroUnd 5 pluS i reaCh the hoSpitaL... i reAch deRe... nenek da tk leh buKAk mAta... i wAs totALLy regRet for not visiting heR yestErdAy... eVenthouGh shE caNT opeN her eyEs, buT she caN respoNd to wAt i sAy... hmmm... afTer afew dAys been admiTted in tHE hoSpitaL... nEnek wAnted to go hoMe and reSt at hoMe... she doesnt wAnt to stAy in the hoSpitAL...
sO my Aunt hAve decidEd to bring her home to my kakak saudara home at Jurong East... on the wAy home, my neneK passed away... in the amBuLancE... if nOt my miStake she pAssed awAy on daTe 17.10.2009... evEnthOugh im not tAt cloSe wiF heR... tApi aku perNah jagA neneK di rumAH ku... i miSs Her aLot...=(
Label : sAd, CriEd =(

♥Welcome To My Life♥
@ 8:00 AM


wAt a tiRing dAy toDay!!!
gOt aLot of jOb need to be done coz on tHursdAy i on 1/2 dAy leAve... And yeSterdAy public hoLiday... i need tO do man poWer... lunCh biLLing... mC recoRds anD aLso leAve recoRds... WOW!!! so mAny...
nOw no mOre oveRtimE... i meAn overtiMe noT alOt... coz my boSs waNt to cUt coST... hais... it my luCk to woRk in thiS compaNy... bUt i praY haRd tAt i will Get anOtheR joB as sOon as PossibLe...ouhKe deN... i wanT to taKe rest nOw... wiLl updaTe agIan latER if i dont feeL tireD... hahahha...

♥Welcome To My Life♥
@ 4:42 AM