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I Don't Like To Be Ruled! I Don't Like To Be Ruled!


♥Sunday, May 30, 2010♥


*me, brother, niece n nephew*
this the picture of me, my brother, my 2 niece n my 3 nephew...
on date 29.05.2010, we all went to airport for walk2... hehee... so fun but tiring...
we had alots of fun together...
my hubby sent us dere... hehehe... but too bad he cant tag along wif us as he have to go work again on tat day... pity him...
he have no tyme for me...
but nevermind... both of us also need to save money... hehehe...
we reach at the airport around 3 plus...
once we reach dere, we went to the coffee bean...
den around 7 plus, we ate POPEYE... hehehe
we reach home around 9 plus at night... so tired...
after bathing all, we all went to slip... hehehe
wat a day!!!!!

♥Welcome To My Life♥
@ 6:25 PM



im so happie coz on date 12.06.2010, lan side will be coming my house.. hais... for merisik.. hehehe...
m i sure that i will be engage soon??? hehehe...
everyone keep on asking me this question:
"have u prepared to be sumone wife?"
i answer them:
"yeap, im prepared... "

but now i wont tell the actually date for my engagement lar.. hehe...
after everything have settle on date 12.06.2010...
the announcement will be made soon... hahaha...
to my cuz dere, dont worrie... will informed u the actually date... hahaha...

thanks to my family for accepting hym in our family...
i noe that at the 1st place my parents cant accept hym...
but both of us have prove to my parents that we luv each other and cant be apart away...
thanks once again to my family for understand my feelings...

i hope that my relationship with hym will last long till our eternity...
he tried to understnad my feelings n same goes to me...
i also need to understand his feeling... hahaha
ok den... nned to go... have tyme later, will update again... tata!!!


♥Welcome To My Life♥
@ 4:48 PM

♥Monday, May 17, 2010♥


yesterday was my birthday... out wif family n cuz...
morning i went to Geylang wif my family n in the afternoon mit my cuz at orchard... hehehe...
we go eat at Cahaya, it my treat this time round...
But Cahaya food now, not nice anymore... feel like vomit it back.. hahaha!!!!

after eat, we go walk2... my cuz go to orchard central and me n my family go to ion...
my brother n my siz in law want to go to taka... but my parents to tired to walk sumore...
so my parents plan to take a sit at Burger king at ion while waiting for my brother n my siz in law...

but my brother n my siz in law came back to the burger king and sat wif us all...
around 10 mins like tat, my dad say if we all want to continue shopping go ahead, my mom n dad will wait us dere.. at the 1st place i dont feel like following my brother to taka.. but my dad force me to... and i have no choice...

once we reach at taka, my siz in law find a present for her friends...
after all the payments, my mom called me and say that she n dad wait for us at the bus stop at lucky plaza... so we headed to the bust stop... to mit our parents...

i think we reach home around 10 plus nearly 11 pm... so tired...
so happy yesterday... hais,, =)


♥Welcome To My Life♥
@ 4:41 AM

♥Thursday, May 13, 2010♥


im so sad yesterday...
my dEar hubby, 1 whole day keeping on scolding me...
i noe tat he busy n tired yesterday...
but he dont have to scold me like tat...
i call hym just to informed hym tat i have reach home...
but he scold me n say tat his hp battery left 1 bar...
after he say tat to me, i just put down the phone without saying anything...
den i msg hym n say that this:
me: i call u just to informed u that i have reached home, but u scolded me...
hym: where got i scold u, i only say that my hp batt left 1 bar...
i dont want to argue with hym, i say this to hym:
me: forget it, i dont want to argue wif u... now i tell u that i have reach home...
hym: ok...
he only reply OK to me... im so sad...
he reach home yesterday around 12:30am... pity hym... =(
today morning around 05:15am, he msg me n say that "i luv u dear"...
after i saw that msg, i straight away called hym...
toking on the phone:
me: kt ne?
hym: aru kuar umah nk gi work
me: ok dear
hym: sorry pasal smlm kae cyg
me: knp ehk?
hym: iye lar, pasal smlm i asyik mrh u jek...
me: hmmm
hym: i tk berniat nk mrh u smlm 1 hari, tapi i bnyk keje n penat... i tk nk pasal i bnyk keje n penat, cyg yg kene mrh... i menyesal pasal smlm... sorie dear...
me: tk pe lar dear... i faham u penat n bnyk keje...
hym: ok cyg, u gi tdo kae... nnt i kejut u...
me: ok cyg
hym: luv u
me: luv u too
put down the phone
i noe that he really luv me n he dont mean to scold me yesterday...
*******I LUV U*******
*******FOREVER DEAR*******

♥Welcome To My Life♥
@ 4:29 AM

♥Wednesday, May 12, 2010♥


hey all!!!
im very tired today...

08:00am - 12:00 ~ i cover reception area since Hazel on leave today
12:05 - 12:20 ~ bring all my docs from reception to maritime dept
12:30 - 13:10 ~ having lunch wif guo liang at macdonald
13:15 - 14:00 ~ rilek
14:10 - 15:00 ~ go to no 48 yard to took some photo of the vessel
15:10 - 16:15 ~ go to no.4 (main office) to collect some documents
16:25 - 18:45 ~ scan email all the crew cert n rename it

after all that, i went home... hehehe

♥Welcome To My Life♥
@ 5:37 AM

♥Monday, May 10, 2010♥


im very dissapointed wif u...!!!
i donnoe that u will turn back again n accept hym in ur life...
i understand that u cant really open ur hart to other people...
but u have to try ur best to let hym go in ur life...

After the incident he have done to u...
i really very angry wif hym...
but now u have accept hym back in ur life again...

i noe that u want me to pray for u n hym the best...
but now i really cant...im so sorry to say this to u...
Please flash back wat he have done to u...

the 2nd time u patch back wif him...
i pray hard that he will give u happiness but it NOT!!!!
he give u miserable!!!!

i will pray for ur happiness wif anyone but not hym...
doesnt mean u lost hym, u lost everything...
NOPE!!! u still have ur family my deAr gaL...

think again my deAr gaL...
n im so SORRY to say all thiS thing to u...

♥Welcome To My Life♥
@ 4:43 PM



Morning to all of u!!! hehehe
i just reach work... i noe that im early... hehehe...
but i use to it...

i will wake up around 5:45am...
out from house around 6:30am...
i need to change 2 bus...
from my house i need to take bus no. 98 or 334...
den at Jurong East, i will need to take bus no. 176...

usually my hubby will sent me to work...
but now he no longer working in the same company wif me...
but it ok, i dont mind...

♥Welcome To My Life♥
@ 4:39 PM

♥Sunday, May 9, 2010♥

*mama& inA*




i would like to wish my mom a very HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY.

thiS yeAr i never celebrAte mother's day wif her since early morning today she went out wif my dad until in the afternoon...im sorry mama...for not celebrating mother's day wif u...

eventhough we didnt celebrate it today, we can celebrate it anytime... coz doesnt mean tat today only we can celebrate the special day together...

everyday is a mother day ...so we can celebrate it anytime

wateva it is, i always luv u alot... u're the best mother ever... *muAx*

♥Welcome To My Life♥
@ 7:54 AM

♥Saturday, May 8, 2010♥

*hAppiNess in my life with hym*

gal : Will our happiness come back as per normal again?
boy : yup, our happiness will surely come back as per normal.
gal : Will the both of us still be together forever?
boy : yup, both of us will be together forever darl
gal : Will ur luv towards me change?
boy : my luv for u will never change, i will luv u more den before
gal : am i the only gal that u will luv till eternity?
boy : yes darl, u're the only one that i luv.
gal : i luv u hubby
boy : i luv u too darL

WateVa happEned, i will luv my HubbY foreVer...
noOne will replAced hYm in my hArt..

♥Welcome To My Life♥
@ 7:12 AM

♥Sunday, May 2, 2010♥

*updAte bLog*

hie hie hie !!!
So long time never update my blog since im so busy at work ... hahaha
hmmm... wat m i supposed to share with all of u... hais...

hmm... i have been promoted to Admin asst in Maritime dept... but i dont think my pay will increased... hais.. wat to do... the company like tat already...
but i will work hard to earn money for my parents n also myself...

hais... my hubby no more working in the same company as me... as he have resign... since last 2 weeks... n now he have been searching for work... eventhough he's not working anymore, every time we went out together, he will pay everthing... i really pity him... hmm... will need to help him find job... i will always be by ur side huBby... i really luV u till the eterniTy... *muAx*

last back few week, i have some crisis with my family member... but wateva it is... they will always be my family member foreva... to both my parents, i noe that both of u want the best for me... but i dont expect u 2 will put tat amount... hais... but wateva it is, i will always luv my famiLy... dey are the best for me... without both my parents, i wont be born in this such beautiful world... i appreciate it.. thanks mom n dad... !!! luv yA!!!

♥Welcome To My Life♥
@ 4:26 PM